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Read the textile industry sustainability report. vol.3

I would like to study the current situation of the textile industry in Japan by reading the report of the ...

Read the textile industry sustainability report. vol.2

I would like to study the current situation of the textile industry in Japan by reading the report of the Ministry...

Read the textile industry sustainability report. vol.1

I would like to study the current situation of the textile industry in Japan by reading the report of the Ministry...

before summer ends

Summer ends completely with days when I can't go out and heavy rain. Before that, I want to have some fun! We boug...

Chinese translation started.

It's already the end of July. too fast. . 2.3 days ago, Chinese appeared in the translation of the online shop. ...

Ragimpic held

This week, I was able to finish submitting quite a lot of documents on the 15th, and I felt a sense of accomplishm...

brass band concert

Today, in the afternoon, I had a school lunch tasting party and a class visit for my child's elementary school. ...

Isamu Noguchi

Today, I went to see the Noguchi Isamu exhibition. I went to Isamu Noguchi's house in Shikoku a few years ago, and...

garbage problem

Rainy, then cloudy, then rainy weather. I had a headache and a sore throat from last weekend, feeling like I was s...

The future is uncertain.

The rainy season front is active again today, so the children's elementary school and nursery school are closed. T...

I made a wholesale site.

It's been raining since morning today. It looks like the forecast is for heavy rain. So my children's elem...

I did it

It's the end of the month. Finish the usual month-end clerical work. Today is the last spurt to submit...
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