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循環wool bagのすべて書きました。前編

I wrote all about the circulating wool bag. Part 1

Thank you for your interest in this page. I'm so happy.

Yesterday, January 25, 2022, we started selling circulation wool bags.

In addition to product design, I am very happy that I was able to create a circulating system.

I will write everything about the circulation wool bag. thank you.

☆Why did you decide to make it?

It's the beginning of reading the materials of the ministry of economy, trade and industry from around the beginning of 2021 last year.

So, I'll just write down what I know.

●98% of Japanese domestic apparel is produced overseas and imported.

●The market scale has shrunk from 15 trillion yen 30 years ago to 10 trillion yen.

●The supply has doubled from 2 billion 30 years ago to 4 billion. In other words, you can see that the amount of apparel waste continues to increase.

●Consumer needs are changing to digital consumption type due to the spread of new corona infection.

●The perspective of “sustainability” will become important in the future of the textile industry. Regarding sustainability, we are guided by the 2015 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). There are 17 major goals. Responsibility to produce Responsibility to consume and the perspective of protecting the natural environment from waste disposal issues, etc.

● Japanese domestic apparel has a complex supply chain (a series of flows from procurement, manufacturing, inventory management, delivery, sales, and consumption until the product reaches the consumer's hand), and it is global and "sustainable". Perspective management is not enough.

●The number of establishments in the domestic textile industry continues to decline, down from 56,000 30 years ago to 10,000, down to less than one-fifth. In addition, due to the declining birthrate and aging population, it is pointed out that there is a shortage of successors for production bases.

●The Japanese textile industry is strong in textiles. It is highly evaluated and adopted by high-performance fibers such as sweat-absorbent, quick-drying and antibacterial, and by luxury brands around the world.

●With the spread of the Internet, smartphones, SNS, etc., individuals have become both receivers of diverse information and senders of information.

●The concept of CSV (Creating Shared Value) is attracting attention. CSV is a management model that enhances economic value while undertaking CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) efforts to enhance social value. It was proposed by Harvard University professor Michael Porter in 2011. There are three ways to realize CSV: ``Review products and markets,'' ``Redefine the value chain,'' and ``Create industrial clusters that support the regions where companies are based.''Companies can solve social problems related to their business activities. , and ultimately create value that can be shared with society, leading to the construction of know-how and skills.

● There is a need to move from a linear economy to a circular economy. What is a linear economy
It is an economic activity that uses resources and energy extracted from the natural world by labor, and products produced by labor are used only once and discarded. What is circular economy
It is an economic activity that circulates production, consumption, and disposal in a circle in order to reduce the consumption of natural resources and energy and the disposal of consumed products. Furthermore, it is an activity that creates value in the process of this circulation and tries to grow economically.

●Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced in May 2020 that Japan should focus on 3 themes to realize a circular economy.

1. Shift from 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) as an environmental activity to a circular economy as an economic activity Promote voluntary efforts by companies as a strategy. 3. Reconstruction of a resilient circulatory system in the medium to long term. is. What is resilience?
It is generally translated as "resilience, resilience, resilience". In recent years, there have been more cases where it is used as "the ability to adapt and survive flexibly in spite of difficult situations."

●It is possible to collect old fibers after consumption activity and promote reuse and recycling. There is no problem in terms of the Waste Disposal Law. However, local governments may handle things differently, so confirmation is required.

● In 2013, Rana Plaza collapsed in a garment factory building in Bangladesh (an accident that killed more than 1,000 people, left 500 people missing, and injured more than 2,500 people). has become widely recognized.

●Factors and effects of increased supply: In the 1980s, many expensive products were purchased, as symbolized by the DC (designers & characters) brand boom. However, the subsequent economic downturn led to deflation, and apparel companies moved their production bases to China, where labor costs were cheaper, in order to lower the selling prices of their products. The products, whose unit price was lowered by mass production, were supplied to many stores including department stores. It is also pointed out that having stores in many locations has increased the number of supply destinations, and that the supply volume has increased due to the fact that each store has a full lineup of products. In addition, there is a possibility of mass production of products that are not often purchased, and discount sales have become the norm. Consumers anticipate and anticipate discounts and refrain from purchasing, resulting in an increase in the number of unsold products at raw prices, creating a vicious circle of repeated discount sales.

What is Unconscious Bias?
It is translated as “unconscious belief, prejudice”. It is caused by the brain's ability to "interpret everything in its own way" in light of what it has experienced, what it has seen and heard when talking to or interacting with someone.

Knowing this, and what lagimusim thought,

Lagimusim is produced with a simple domestic supply chain. 98% of Japanese domestic apparel is made overseas and imported, so that's the remaining 2%. quite a minority.

However, I thought there was something I could do because it was a small scale. It discloses all supply chain information of products (a series of flows such as procurement, manufacturing, inventory management, delivery, sales, and consumption until the product or product reaches the hand of the consumer) and pricing information. I thought it would be possible to design a product that considers that the product can be recycled and circulated after use.

Two good points.

First, the money you paid when purchasing the product will be paid to each section related to product creation. It will be the funds to continue growing each activity. By exposing supply chain information and pricing information to buyers, buyers have a clear picture of where their money is going. I think it feels great.

Second, from the point of view of reducing waste after use, there are things such as buying used clothes, using them as long as possible, and buying remade ones. I was able to increase the selection of products that can be circulated plus. I think it's good to have many choices.

Back to the story.

Then I started looking for recycled fabrics. That's when I found "Koshichi" (Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture), which produces recycled wool fabrics. I thought that if I could make products using this recycled fabric, and then recycle the fabric after use, I would be able to create products that could be circulated in Japan.

It is possible after confirming with Moshichi. So I started moving.

Continue to Part 2

Thank you for reading.

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