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Read the 2nd Environmental Improvement Study Group for Further Promotion of Cashless Payments to SMEs ⑥

I think I'll do it because it will also be my social study.
(From 2021/10/18 new information from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry council / study group)

table of contents

1. Review of the first discussion

2, Cost structure for credit card, electronic money, code payment

3, Draft plan well known to consumers

4, Progress of verification at stores related to cashless payment

Let's start with a review of the first discussion. I will look up technical terms in the materials, words that I do not understand, and parts that I am concerned about, supplement them, and read on. The main opinions from the committee members are as follows.

This is the opinion of the main committee members on topics such as how to disseminate information for promotion .

Member of the payment service provider side

●From a broader perspective, dealing with small and medium-sized merchants is not the first priority for boosting the cashless payment ratio. A trial calculation based on the actual results of the point redemption business suggests that the cashless settlement ratio will be boosted by up to 3% due to cashless payments at small and medium-sized stores that do not use cash. Even at convenience stores with a cashless environment, the cashless payment ratio is only about 40%, and raising the level of cashless use among consumers is a far more serious issue.

●The progress of digitization itself promotes a rich purchasing experience and efficient and safe purchasing, so such a viewpoint should also be clarified.

●With the digitization of society, cashless payments in the public sector will become the default, and cashless payments may take root, and consumers may expect to become habitual of cashless payments.

●Credit card users often say, “I don't know how much I have used” or “I don't know which one to choose.” In response to these consumer voices, we would like to proceed with discussions on how to appeal the existing merits and innovations to raise the level of service as an industry.

● Cases of ETC and transportation-related electronic money, which quickly became established after their introduction, and overseas cases such as South Korea, which promoted cashless payments in conjunction with the tax system, may be helpful.


☆ The cashless payment ratio will be boosted by up to 3% due to cashless payment at small and medium-sized stores that are not using cash. I was a little surprised by Even at convenience stores with a cashless environment, the cashless payment ratio is about 40%. I was strangely convinced, I use convenience store point cards, but I only use credit card payments when I don't have cash. Human habits do not change easily.

☆ I feel that cashless payment for public services is progressing considerably, but I feel that it is a little weak in promoting cashless payment among all consumers.

☆I believe that the spread of 5G will bring about a future where all payments can be made with a single mobile phone. It may be time for change.

I will end here for now.

In the next installment, we will discuss the opinions of members on the side of introducing payment services on topics such as publicity methods for promoting the spread of payment services.

Thank you for reading.

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