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〇経済産業省の資料読んでいこう!第二回キャッシュレス決済の中小企業への更なる普及促進に向けた環境整備検討会を読んで⑤ 〇経済産業省の資料読んでいこう!第二回キャッシュレス決済の中小企業への更なる普及促進に向けた環境整備検討会を読んで⑤

〇 Let's read the materials of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry! Read the 2nd Environmental Improvement Study Group for Further Promotion of Cashless Payments to SMEs ⑤

I think I'll do it because it will also be my social study.
(From 2021/10/18 new information from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry council / study group)

table of contents

1. Review of the first discussion

2, Cost structure for credit card, electronic money, code payment

3, Draft plan well known to consumers

4, Progress of verification at stores related to cashless payment

Let's start with a review of the first discussion. I will look up technical terms in the materials, words that I do not understand, and parts that I am concerned about, supplement them, and read on. The main opinions from the committee members are as follows.

It will be the opinion of the main members on the topic of policy significance and index examination.

Member of the payment service provider side

●In the discussions at this study group, once again, the purpose of expanding cashless payments should be confirmed and agreed upon by stakeholders such as consumers, stores, the government, and payment service providers, and a common understanding should be established. We should discuss that policy.

● As an indicator of the spread of cashless payments, in addition to the conventional cashless payment ratio based on the amount of money, the number of payments should not be evaluated as matching the degree of penetration of cashless payments for consumers and member stores. mosquito.

● As for monetary-based indicators, how about excluding "imputed rent of owner-occupied houses" from final private consumption expenditure, which is the denominator, and presenting a message that cashless payments are becoming more prevalent.

Main comments from observers

●The current KPIs are useful for international comparison, but there are issues, so it is necessary to consider other methods that suit consumers' feelings.


☆This study group aims to expand cashless payments. Reconfirm the common recognition with.

☆ Shouldn't we use the number of payments as an index in addition to the conventional amount-based ratio for cashless payments?

☆ Considering whether a new indicator of cashless payment usage that is easy for domestic consumers to understand is necessary.

I will end here for now.

In the next issue, we will discuss the opinions of the main committee members on topics such as how to disseminate information for promotion.

Thank you for reading.