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第二回キャッシュレス決済の中小企業への更なる普及促進に向けた環境整備検討会を読んで⑧ 第二回キャッシュレス決済の中小企業への更なる普及促進に向けた環境整備検討会を読んで⑧

Read the 2nd Environmental Improvement Study Group for Further Promotion of Cashless Payments to SMEs ⑧

I think I'll do it because it will also be my social study.
(From 2021/10/18 new information from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry council / study group)

table of contents

1. Review of the first discussion

2, Cost structure for credit card, electronic money, code payment

3, Draft plan well known to consumers

4, Progress of verification at stores related to cashless payment

Let's start with a review of the first discussion. I will look up technical terms in the materials, words that I do not understand, and parts that I am concerned about, supplement them, and read on. The main opinions from the committee members are as follows.

This is the opinion of the main observer side (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Fair Trade Commission) on topics such as how to spread awareness.

●It is important to have consumers shift from cash to cashless payments. We recognize that the impact of the cashless point reward business was also significant, and it is necessary to discuss policies to promote the use of cashless payments.

●The perspectives of necessity and usefulness are important for the spread of cashless payments. Most e-commerce payments are cashless due to their necessity and usefulness for both consumers and merchants.

●Consumers say that they use too much cashless payment, or that they do not know which one to use because there are too many services. Another issue for merchants is that the management screens of various acquirers and credit card companies are separate, and total sales cannot be determined. The use of APIs and new technologies can be a countermeasure, but to do so, it is necessary to take measures such as promoting the standardization of APIs.

●Looking at the entire process from the point of entry of cash (salary payment) to the point of exit (purchase), analyzing where there are bottlenecks may lead to cost reductions, etc.


☆In 10 years, there will be a future where you can shop at convenience stores and various physical stores with your mobile phone. For example, a service like Amazon go has started to be introduced by Starbucks in New York. Link At the moment, cost and technical aspects are being considered and countermeasures are being worked out, but if you can experience the overwhelming convenience of amazon go once, I think that the introduction of cashless payments will progress at once.

I will end here for now.

Next time, we will discuss the opinions of members of the payment service provider side of public relations to stores.

Thank you for reading.

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